Monday, February 21, 2011

Social Policy for Development Reviews

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Social Policy for Development

'Strong social policy is essential for sustainable growth. This book is an extremely useful overview of social policy issue for policy makers and anyone who wants to understand the true roots of successful sustainable development'

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- Ian Johnson, Vice President for Sustainable Development, The World Bank

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'Throughout the world issues of social development have now taken centre stage. There is no more comprehensive and readable guide to the choices and conflicts of this global drama. This book is essential reading for all students and practitioners of social development - and for every World Bank economist'

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- David Piachaud, Professor of Social Policy, London School of Economics

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This much-needed textbook fulfils a major gap in providing a complete up-to-date guide and introduction to the increasingly important role of social policy in the context of development processes and practice.

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Across a number of key sectors and areas of social policy concern, the authors accessibly introduce and explain the main conceptual debates, the most recent policy discussions, and provide applied examples to illustrate the latest developments in the social policy and planning field. Central topics covered include:

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- poverty

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- rural development

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- urban development

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- education

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- health

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- social work

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- social welfare

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- international development and cooperation.

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Social Policy for Development is an essential text for all students and practitioners alike seeking a deeper understanding of the issues of poverty, social exclusion and deprivation across social policy and development studies internationally.

List Price: $ 119.00

Price: $ 114.72

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